
Havelock North's sports podiatrist

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Specialised foot inserts

Orthotics are specialized foot inserts. At Boyce Podiatry they are often a key component of our treatment plan. We design orthotics to help foot repositioning, stability and improve gait efficiency. An orthotic is a specialised foot insert, commonly known as an arch support. An orthotic can also be as simple as a heel raise to reduce load on the achilles tendon, or a pad that goes under the forefoot to reduce pressure from a single point and redistribute it elsewhere.
3-dimensional images of the feet

3D scanning for a custom fit

Our orthotic prescription differs from the traditional podiatry approach. In keeping up to date with the latest research and technology, we have moved away from ‘lifting the arch’ (functional blocking) to facilitating function and improving technique. 

Our orthotic design starts with clinical tests, measurements and cast moulds or 3D scans of your feet. The data from these is applied directly to key elements of your orthotic design. 

The orthotic is designed to alter how and where the force is applied to the foot, improving function, stability and technique. In turn reducing load on the injured area

Our orthotic designs can be made for many different footwear styles, including high heels to various sports shoes. We then initiate a programme of exercises to strengthen your foot with the new device. The average life span of a custom orthotic is 2-5 years. Some even make it to 10 years. Call us today for more details.

Prefabricated Orthoses

We have a range of prefabricated orthoses to fit different foot and arch profiles. These types of orthotics are handy for short-term solutions, or where there is a low level of correction required. Being heat mouldable they are quick and easy to fit. Their compressible nature does however mean they have a limited life span of just a few months, before they need replacing again.
Specialised foot inserts
Gym Step Exercise
We also realise the importance of having the correct shoe for your foot type and orthotic. Boyce Podiatry carry their own range of health and comfort footwear but have also built strong relationships with many footwear retailors in Hawkes Bay. Lynley as a preferred podiatrist to the Shoe Clinic Napier, attends once monthly in-store sessions, helping with the team there in footwear selection. 

More than just an orthotic service

At Boyce Podiatry we go further than just providing an orthotic. At fitting and review, you will be lead through a programme of exercises to help improve muscle imbalances, functional stability and technique. These may be prescribed by us or other members in your health care team. We find taking a whole approach leads to better outcomes moving you faster towards your goals. We may also apply mobilisation techniques to help the foot adjust faster.
Group of people sitting together relaxing
Our orthotics experts can find a solution for you. Call 06 877 3249 to 
talk with our team
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